Creare is a verb in Latin, meaning 'to create', 'to give form to', 'to make', and 'to give rise to'. It is the basis of plastic surgery, where form, function and aesthetics are either created or recreated. As plastic surgeons, we either reconstruct what is missing or create an improved aesthetic form.
The nautilus shell is a symbol of the Fibonacci sequence in nature. This sequence is also known as the Golden Ratio, a mathematical phenomenon which appeals to the human brain and is perceived as an aesthetic form. The principle of proportionality is one of the most important elements of plastic surgery.
At Creare Clinic, we aim to provide a high standard of plastic surgery service; our friendly and hard-working team is dedicated to the best clinical care. In our clinic, plastic surgery, whether for cancer or trauma reconstruction or cosmetic surgery, is provided with compassion, empathy and personalised support.